Quality Management System & Accreditation

Role of the Laboratory

The main function of the laboratory based in Trinidad is to provide reference and referral services, training, technology transfer, monitoring and research of public health importance.

Our staff is committed to providing the highest quality service to our member states and as such we have instituted and continually upgraded our systems to ensure that the quality of our services is assured at all times.

Quality Policy

  • Senior management will provide the resources necessary to maintain the Laboratory quality management system.
  • The laboratory is committed to ensuring:
  • that internal and external customer requirements are met
  • continual improvement of the quality of the laboratory services provided to its customers.
  • that examinations are suitable for their intended use
  • the continuing suitability of the quality management system
  • The laboratory will provide a system for the establishment and review of the quality objectives.
  • Quality practices are communicated within the organization, understood and adhered to by all employees.
  • The laboratory ensures a competent workforce that adheres to good professional practices and delivers quality results in a timely manner according to the ISO 15189.


In November 2018, CMML was awarded accreditation through the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC) to the international standard ISO/IEC 15189: 2012 “Medical laboratories — Requirements for quality and competence” (see Accreditation Certificate and Scope).

The current scope of accreditation:

Respiratory Diseases – Influenza A and B**, Non-influenza Panel (Adenovirus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Rhinovirus, Human Metapneumovirus, Para Influenza 1 – 3) **, Mycobacterium tuberculosis**

Vaccine Preventable Diseases - Measles*, Rubella*

Vector Borne Diseases – Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika**, Chikungunya*

 Note. * serology (ELISA), ** molecular (PCR) technique