And the Award goes to CARPHA!
3/11/2016 8:06:00 AM
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We are excited to announce that CARPHA has been awarded a Platinum MarCom Award in the category of Communication Training and Education!
The award was received for our Risk and Crisis Communication Train the Trainer Workshop, which was facilitated by Dr Theomary Karamanis in September 2016.
With funding from the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), a total of 23 senior public health officials from 10 CARPHA Member States benefitted from the 2 ½ day training workshop. The goal was to enhance the competencies of participants in the area of risk communication, so that they can in turn train others to utilise effective communication strategies during public health emergencies or crises. Based on participant satisfaction and immediate application of skills by several of the country representatives, Dr Karamanis submitted an application for the international professional communication award, which was successful.
Judges in the 2016 MarCom Awards evaluated nearly 6,000 entries from individuals, media conglomerates, and Fortune 50 companies. MarCom Awards is an international creative competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by marketing and communication professionals. Out of 6,000 entries 15% receive a Platinum award and 20% the Gold award.
This competition is the largest in the world for communication professionals.