The Caribbean Public Health Laboratory Network (CARIPHLN)

The Caribbean Public Health Laboratory Network (CariPHLN) is a specialized network established in 2015 which seeks to enable the collaboration among Diagnostic, Environmental, Public Health, Research and Veterinary Laboratories across the Caribbean Member State (CMS) laboratory community to positively improve the lives of nationals and visitors alike in the Caribbean Community.


CariPHLN for every citizen and visitor - quality laboratory services.


To strengthen the laboratory capacity of Member States in support of surveillance, prevention and control of important public health problems, as well as to provide more ready access to referral and specialized testing, through the establishment of a Caribbean Public Health Laboratory Network, which ensures quality standards across the Region.

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Why Networks Work

We cannot all go it alone: Solidarity and Leverage to ensure Regional Health Security through gains made as a bloc; changing economic climate.

Networks provide the platform for implementation of work plans; knowledge and information are disseminated quickly (CariPHLN Forum).

Technical experts and support mechanisms are readily available to manage present and new challenges.

Networks engage diverse perspectives, and resources to support new ways of thinking about old problems and integrating resources to solve challenges.

CariPHLN offers a proactive and responsive laboratory platform that allows for strengthening national capacity for preparedness and response to address situations of health emergency and public health surveillance and to provide more flexibility to countries in joint problem solving.