Research and Scientific Publications

CARPHA is involved in conducting research on NCDs as a means of providing information for supporting evidence-informed decision making at the national and regional levels. Such research is often done in collaboration with international and regional partners, including the US National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes for Health (US NCI/NIH), US Centres of Disease Control (US CDC), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR), African Caribbean Consortium on Cancer (AC3) as well as academic institutions, including, the University of the West Indies and Harvard University T. H. Chan School of Public Health and CMS. Results are presented at regional and international meetings and scientific conferences as well as published in peer reviewed journals.

Recent presentations have been made on cancer at the CARPHA Annual Caribbean Health Research Conference, the Conference of the International Association of Cancer Registries and the Annual Conference of NAACCR Links to abstracts presented at the conferences are provided below:

CARPHA Health Research Conference:

Conference of the International Association of Cancer Registries

NAACCR Conference

Cancer Mortality:

Non-Communicable Disease Mortality:

Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer:

Cancer Prevention and Control

Prevalence of NCDs

Risk Factors for NCDs

Health Systems Performance for NCDs

Injury Surveillance